
Update and New Beginnings

Wow. I can't believe I've neglected this for so long. But, sometimes life gets in the way. 2022 and 2023 were rough for me. In 2022, after a well fought battle, we lost Bill, who was definitely the best of us three Batman kids. Haz and I did get to Minnesota over Memorial Day weekend that year to visit with everyone. Not sure we were quite expecting to have it be the last time. ❤️ 2023 was mostly just dealing with stuff breaking. First, our car died. Then the AC went out over July 4th (thankfully just a new motor and not a whole new unit), and then Cox Internet constantly going out to the point I had to miss work. We switched to Starlink, and while we did lose some speed, the stability is amazing! And the water heater died and needed to be replaced. 😲 To top it all off, Haz messed up his shoulder putting up the Starlink dish, and Dispatch Health sent us to the ER because his BP was so high! That worked out for us in the long run, because we (finally) got a new primary care doc

Welcome to 2022

 Wow!  2022 is already here! Still at the new company I started with in 2021.  Same work as I did at my previous company, but better pay and benefits, and I did get a small promotion. Had a small hiccup with some people who don't take any kind of feedback well and complained to the manager.  They're on a different shift, so for my own sanity, I'm just not going to deal with them anymore.  Let their Coordinator and Supervisor deal with them.  Not my problem! Reviewed my copy of The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck  and my copy of The Four Agreements  now lives in my work bag.  I actually have all of the "No F*cks Given Guides" and highly recommend them.   Finally got the car into the shop and nothing majorly wrong.  A couple of seals and a hose needed replacing.  Hose is on order, and will be installed soon.  Passed emissions and tags renewed with no issues.  So nice having a car again so that I don't have to freeze on the bike in the winter.  I much pr

Still Hanging & Getting My Crojo Back!

 Hello Hookers! I know, I know, it seems like I haven't posted in forever! While the pandemic isn't as over as we'd have thought it would be by now, it is a breath of fresh air that things are slowly returning to some semblance of normal.  Though, I don't think we'll ever get 100% back to the way things were before. The new job is going awesome!  I got a small promotion.  I'm doing Workflow Coordination, still on the overnights, and I still get to have some hands on.  I do have to pull extra hours on the weekend, but hopefully that won't be forever.  Overall, making the move to this new company was a great change for me.  I am feeling happier and less stressed. As much as I love crochet, I have been working on other hobbies, too.  Got a couple of awesome new jigsaw puzzles, one which is in process.  We've been doing a once a month D&D game online, and hope to resume one of our other games, also probably once a month soon.  I'm also trying to get

2021 Already?!?

My goodness, where has the time gone? I'm glad this horrid year is over for so many reasons! I hope everyone managed to stay free of COVID-19.  We sure did!  For the most part, we're still hunkered down, and will probably stay that way until we can get the vaccine. We did have some good things happen this year, though! First, we were able to take a trip to Alaska to visit family up there.  The circumstances behind the trip weren't ideal, but we were glad to finally be able to take a real vacation, and we had an amazing time.  My brother and sister-in-law were awesome tour guides, and we can't wait to go back! Second, we were able to get a new-to-us car.  Found a great deal on a 2000 Kia Sportage 4dr with very low miles that we dubbed "Squig."  A few things to be fixed, but mostly convenience things, and to be expected on a 20 year old vehicle.  The motorcycle will still be my primary commute vehicle,  but Squig will be a great backup for my Skye. Finally, and

Hanging In There!

I hope everyone is hanging in there.  We're trying to keep things as normal as possible. We get takeout once a week which supports delivery drivers and restaurants. We still get our groceries by delivery, since still no car. But, the delivery fees and rideshare fees are nothing compared to a car payment.  Thanks to the @55hats in charge not putting any protections on the stimulus, our money went to an old debt. That's really going to stimulate the economy, right? I've been trying to keep busy. Making masks to donate to a shelter. I figure since people in shelters have a harder time distancing, they could use the masks more. And, I don't crochet for the money, I do it for the joy of it.  In the meantime, I'm also planning a BBQ potluck for our anniversary and hopefully the end of this. But, I would much rather this go on longer now than stopping too soon and having to do it all over again. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Until ne

2020 so far...

So, 2020...What can I say? It's been interesting so far... Hard for me to believe this little project of mine has been around a year already. When I started this endeavor, I had intended to do weekly blog posts, with accompanying posts and memes on the Facebook page. But, it has been slow going for me, especially with the events of the last 1/4 of 2019. And, now the insanity caused by COVID-19 has everything up in the air. Many people are working from home. My company is preparing to, but our situation is a little more complicated than others, so it's taking more time.  The thing that has me most concerned is the selfishness I'm seeing. I'm honestly more concerned that I'm not going to to be able to get the things my family needs to survive than I am about getting sick. I talked with a neighbor yesterday, and he said most places are still out of most things. And, since we don't have a car, we rely on delivery services, which makes shopping for supplies even hard

Celtic Knot Filet

Now that it has been gifted, I can make this post. This is a compilation of the WIP photos that have been posted to the Facebook page. It was slow going at first. I did decide to make the starting chain with one hook bigger so that the chains would be loose enough to crochet into. With the thread and such tiny hooks, it was hard not making the stitches too tight. I did find early on that when doing DC's in the CH spaces, it was much easier to crochet around the CH space than in the CH stitches. Once I got through the bottom border knots, work picked up, and seemed to go much faster. Unfortunately, at this point, work was stalled by the sudden passing of my father, and a whirlwind trip to Omaha to spend some time with my brothers while we grieved and put everything in order. (Thankfully, there really wasn't much to do, despite Dad having no end of life planning, and my brothers had it pretty much done by the time I got there.) Once I got home, and recovered fro