Spring has sprung, but my spring is gone
The weather is finally getting warmer. The mornings are still a bit cool, but the afternoons are absolutely gorgeous. Yet, I'm still finding myself with such a lack of energy lately. I can't bring myself to enjoy my favorite hobby lately. While the hubby and I have a newfound obsession with D&D lately (and enjoying running a campaign with the daughter and her boyfriend), it hasn't taken away from the time I have to crochet. I just don't want to do it lately, which saddens me. Work has been steadily picking up, and I'm having issues with an employee (which should be resolved soon), which has me feeling extra run down lately. I can't even enjoy computer games with the hubby lately because I don't even want to look at a computer after work, especially when it seems like I have to help out from home every weekend lately. And, our contract is about to be expanded in a huge way, which means more work and more staffing. It's a good thin...