Good Things Coming
Hello, All!
While we had a momentary set back with the termites, they have been treated and are on their way off this mortal coil. Thankfully, the treatment is also guaranteed, so if they have to come back and treat again, it's at no charge to us.
I do have 3 tutorials recorded and with the hubby for editing, but these weird twists in our lives have put them in the back burner at the moment.
We have a shed waiting to be assembled, and then need to do some reorganizing in the house.
Once that is completed, I can focus more on this blog, and the Facebook page and YouTube channel.
I have 2 project videos planned for recording next. And, I just picked up a set of Tunisian Crochet Hooks so I can learn and play with that technique.
In the mean time, keep on hooking!
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