Celtic Knot Filet

Now that it has been gifted, I can make this post. This is a compilation of the WIP photos that have been posted to the Facebook page. It was slow going at first. I did decide to make the starting chain with one hook bigger so that the chains would be loose enough to crochet into. With the thread and such tiny hooks, it was hard not making the stitches too tight. I did find early on that when doing DC's in the CH spaces, it was much easier to crochet around the CH space than in the CH stitches. Once I got through the bottom border knots, work picked up, and seemed to go much faster. Unfortunately, at this point, work was stalled by the sudden passing of my father, and a whirlwind trip to Omaha to spend some time with my brothers while we grieved and put everything in order. (Thankfully, there really wasn't much to do, despite Dad having no end of life planning, and my brothers had it pretty much done by the time I got there.) Once I got home, and recovered fro...