A little more every day

It's been a slow process, but I am slowly starting to feel better. I had a good week at work last week with almost zero stress and anxiety. I'm getting back to my old self a little more every day. My husband said I'm getting back to being "loud and hyper" which makes him happy to see, even if it annoys him when his depression is in full swing. The meds, and the self-help tools, definitely seem to be helping. I did place a call into my company's EAP to get some counseling, but had a hard time getting an appointment, and just haven't bothered to call back. I know what drives most of my issues, and I'm not sure a counselor can really help anyway. I've also started yarning again. With my husband's encouragement, I started a Celtic Knot Filet . My end goal for this project is as a wedding gift for a couple that we play D&D with. I'm about 1/4 of the way through. Here is a work-in-progress photo: I have an afghan project pla...